The Bolivar Chamber of Commerce supports the proposed Waste Water Treatment System for parts of the Bolivar Peninsula to be paid for by the Federal Government. We understand, if constructed only those building new homes or with older septic tanks that no longer work would be required to hook up to the new system.
A sewer system in High Island and parts of Crystal Beach would have lasting economic and environmental benefits. It would protect our beaches and our bays and would allow multi-family housing to be built. We support the construction of the system!
Click Here for Printable copy of the PETITION
Petition in support of a Waste Water Treatment System
on Bolivar Peninsula
We the undersigned being either: landowners or residents or voters on Bolivar Peninsula have studied the issue of building a new waste water treatment system (sewer) in some parts of the peninsula and we fully support the construction of such a system. We have grave concerns over the “survey” conducted by County Judge Henry of Galveston County as we believe it contains many statements which are in error. We understand the system would only serve that part of Crystal Beach which runs from east of Monkhouse Road to Signing Sands Road and in the Town of High Island. We believe a sewer system would be a great addition to our peninsula and have lasting economic and environmental benefits.
We have reviewed the comments below from the County’s Grant writer who is most familiar with the project:
“I am and have been involved with this project from its inception so I may be able to clarify some of your questions.
• The County, at the present time, is not requiring that residents of Crystal Beach or High Island (these are the two areas proposed for new sewer plant construction) to hook into the system. The option is there, but if someone has just put in a new aerobic system, the County will not force you to connect to the sewer system.
• Households that wish to connect and meet the HUD income limits of low to moderate income (LMI) will be connected for free, and their existing septic/ aerobic system will be decommissioned for free as well. Households that wish to connect that do not meet the HUD LMI threshold will be charged a connection fee (but at an “at cost” wherein there will not be a mark up as you mentioned of 7-9,000 dollars).
• The sewer plants will be owned by Bolivar Special Utility District (BPSUD) and operated by a 3rd party.
I cannot speak to rumors, but as it stands now, there is nothing to substantiate a mandatory connection into the system or the dollar amounts that was used.”
Nicholas Foster
CDBG Project Coordinator
722 Moody, 3rd Floor
Galveston, TX 77550
We support the building of the Waste Water Treatment System
Mail to:
Bolivar Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 1170
Crystal Beach, TX 77650
How interesting that you talk about how a sewer system has lasting economic and environmental benefits. My husband and I are thinking of starting a small business with a building that would need a septic tank installed. We will find a great septic tank installation service.