Wade Angler Drowns at Rollover

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
July 31, 2012- Rollover Pass, Gilchrist, TX.
Riley Emick, 24, of Pearland TX, was wade fishing at Rollover Pass, near Gilchrist TX, around 8:30am Tuesday morning when he suddenly was caught up in a strong tidal current in the surf.

Emick’s fishing buddy, Curtis Kelly, also from Pearland, spotted Riley struggling about 400 yds offshore waving his fishing rod yelling for help!

Curtis immediately called 911 and hurriedly reported the emergency to the Galveston County Sheriffs department and explained what was happening. The Sheriffs department then contacted the Crystal Beach Fire Department and the U.S. Coast Guard about the emergency, with all soon arriving on the scene.

A Coast Guard helicopter soon arrived over the area and began searching for the Riley, but soon found the body of Emick instead. The sheriffs department then used an emergency Seadoo to recover the body around 10:00 am.

It’s very unfortunate to have someone visit here at Rollover Pass to enjoy the excellent fishing we have here only to drown when enjoying it. An incident that was almost similar to what occurred here today, but had a different outcome.

That incident involved two anglers from Huntsville TX, with one being rescued by the other. But this was due to an experienced angler swimming into the dangerous current to help his buddy survive.

“Go with the flow, that buddy told his struggling friend, Go with the flow and don’t fight the current! Then he was able to guide his friend towards shore and out of danger. Both anglers survived that ordeal and are still alive today to enjoy fishing at Rollover Pass.

Wear a life vest my friends, wear a life vest when wade fishing these dangerous currents and we’ll never again have to recover the body of your loved ones.

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