This Ol’ House

By Georgia Osten
It’s mighty quiet around here since the Grands went back to Florida. It’s not hard to get used to them being around. At least one load of wash every day, the front door slamming every three minutes, the refrigerator door opening every 5 minutes. I get up every so often just to go look in the fridge, and I’ve washed everything in sight. As usual, we’ve already planned our next trip.

We advertised our 2012 golf cart around here, in the post office and on Facebook. A couple of nice comments from friends around here. Our magical daughter put it on her local FB in League City and sold it in less than two days! It was delivered to the new owner’s door this morning.

I must admit I had no idea there was a storm out there until the other day. Proves I live in my own little world … Come to find out it’s a CAT 4 already out there in the Atlantic heading into the Caribbean. My sister-in-law calls her brother everyday about Beryl.

Now, I’m worried too. I remember evacuating for Ike and the destruction that storm caused. We weren’t living here then, but we’ve been here for 13 years. I can’t imagine what we’d do if we lost this. After finding out what this ol’ place means to the Grands, I don’t ever want to be without it! Praying Beryl leaves us alone.

I hope y’all have a wonderful 4th of July! The firework stands are rockin’ with customers. We’re delighted our dog could care less about the noise. I know a lot of you aren’t that lucky. If you have time to visit your vet, try some doggie tranquilizers. Ironically, thunderstorms drive Maezy crazy. We’ve been known to drug her for those. They’ll definitely come in handy for our next road trip.

Happy 4th!

[GO: Jul-2-2024]

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