There are Angels Among Us

By Georgia Osten
I guess it’s been 3 weeks ago. I was on my over to Galveston for an appointment at UTMB. Waiting in the ferry line, I noticed a big black and white shaggy dog wandering around the ferry lines. I seem to remember we were under the threat of another downpour. Or maybe we were in the midst of a threatening hurricane, Beryl probably. I feared for the dog, figuring he was probably lost and scared. So, I posted something on Facebook “lost dog, black and white, at the ferry.”

On my way home, there he was, farther east on 87, a car had pulled over and was trying to get him to come to the car. He wasn’t having anything to do with them, I pulled around the situation and headed back to work.

I’m trying to ween myself from Facebook, but I keep getting drawn in and anyway, there on FB, I started seeing more posts about this lost dog. My friend, Leanne began following his whereabouts. She found out, through other contacts, that the dog had gone into The Biscayne and stayed for a couple of nights. She had her Biscayne contacts watching him and trying to give him food.

It was obvious he had been dumped over here on this side. He kept going back to the ferry landing to see if his people had come back to get him.

Then, he supposedly appeared back over in Port Bolivar. There, Leann managed to try to get close to him. He would come to her as she sat placidly and coaxed him to come get peanut butter treats. He showed his appreciation by putting his head on her shoulder, but she could never put the leash around him. All the time, Leann was trying to find out where he belonged and, still, kept in contact with him trying to befriend him.

Next thing we knew, several weeks later, we heard news he had decided to go ahead and try to make his way back to Galveston by swimming. A couple from Tiki Island were out for a boat ride and noticed a group of dolphins in the bay and lo and behold, there was a dog swimming among them. The dolphins, as we’ve heard, were trying to help the poor creature. The couple pulled their boat over and the exhausted dog was more than ready and obliging to let them help him into their boat.

The story goes he has found a new home with Tim & Laura. He’s been vetted and is thriving with the Soetaerts. He’s been featured on Fox News and the Dallas News.

Thanks go to all who helped to find “Bolivar the Wunderdog.” Thanks especially to Leann for her determination. Leann, rightly, has visitation rights to the Soetaerts in Tiki to visit “Bolivar” whenever.

Never underestimate the power of Angels!

[GO: Sept-24-2024]

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One Response to “There are Angels Among Us”

  1. LCE says:

    Dear Cutie #1,

    My friends, Sharon and John Pope, in Houston, so enjoy The have a young Australian Shepherd, and Bolivar looks much like he looks. Sharon was touched and delighted with your article. She texted me about it..

    Thank you so much for this sweet chronicle about one dog’s good luck in being found by Angels Among Us.

    Cutie #2

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