The Big Store

By Georgia Osten
About a year ago, my husband and I bought a lot on the Golf Course, how exciting! We dreamed of the house we would build, big enough for all the family. It’s down the road, all secluded, just a “ride over” to the beach, such a private beach, none of the crowds from Crystal Beach, what a delight. As we would sit out on the deck of our newly rebuilt house, right across from The Big Store, watching ALL the traffic drive down our street from the store to the beach, we would complain about all the traffic. Dad would look over at my wine glass, empty, and I would tell him I forgot to get more wine when I was in Galveston, off to The Big Store he would go to get me stocked up again.

Company was coming … oops, I forgot to get hamburger buns, need more pickles, cheese for the burgers … No Problem, The Big Store is right across the street. Sometimes I complain about “having to go to The Big Store,” but, do they have everything, or what?? Even if the cooler is broken, the handle is busted, no problem, you can find parts at The Big Store. (No, Keith did NOT have me write this article).

This whole weekend, we’ve had company and relatives, what a thrill, I love having beach towels and bathing suits hanging all over the deck. Many trips over to the store. And today, a special trip over to Galveston for stuff, back home with a car load, ready to make Special Chicken. Oops, forgot mushrooms, half ‘n half, and, oh yeah, what about some Apple Crisp?, and no Cool Whip … “Hey, stop at The Big Store before we go home please.”

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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2 Responses to “The Big Store”

  1. There is certainly a lot to learn about this topic.

    I like all of the points you made.

  2. Mary says:

    I love the Big Store. If they don’t have it, you don’t need it!

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