Second Going supports local schools

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Methodist’s Second Going Resale Store helped start off the 2024-25 school year with gifts to Galveston District’s Crenshaw School and High Island School District. Second Going’s mission statement is, “To use the proceeds from the resale shop to help poor and needy folk on Bolivar Peninsula.” However, Second Going does much, much more than that. They also use their proceeds to generously help our local schools.

Fran Griffin and Jane Loose headed off to High Island. Esther Sarabia drove to Crenshaw. They not only provided these two educational facilities with $3000 each, but also gave monetary presents to every teacher and employee that works in these schools. Even High Island Superintendent David Walker and principal Jerrett Fabian received gifts. Teachers may use their monies to purchase what their individual scholars need for success. Second Going supplies any pupil in need whatever is required for free.

Fran Griffin and Jane Loose presenting checks to High Island School District, (L) Teachers Eva Gail Riley and Janie Sanders; (R) Superintendent David Walker and Principal Jerrett Fabian.

An African proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child”. This message means that it takes many people to provide an environment where children can flourish to realize their hopes and dreams. Second Going generously helps to provide services so that all young people may reach their full potential. Second Going Resale Store is a shining example of what can be accomplished by love and giving to others.

Esther Sarabia brings Second Going Resale Store
monetary presents to Crenshaw employees.

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40

[LCE: Aug-20-2024]

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One Response to “Second Going supports local schools”

  1. Carlis Cole says:

    This exemplifies the heart of Bolivar❤️ With deepest respect, Carlis

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