Pool Time

By Georgia Osten
When I’m through writing my Sand Bucket, guess where I’m going?

School’s out in Tampa and that means G-R-A-N-D-S !! Yep, tomorrow, we get to pick them up from the airport. A little different this year. Normally, we finagle our way through Security to meet them. Not anymore … On this trip, the oldest is 16 and she has her two younger brothers with her. She no longer has to be guarded by a designated flight attendant. My, times are changing.

We will though, if I know PawPaw, be an hour early to greet them. And, because we can’t be late, I’ll have to run to keep up with him when we get inside the airport.

But golly! We’re so excited to see them. One set of aunts and uncles will meet us at the kids’ favorite Texas hangout. You see, in Florida, they don’t have Whataburger. Isn’t that a crime? I’m sure they suspect Whataburger and oh, how disappointed they would be if we didn’t.

I hope Memorial Weekend was enjoyable for all of you. Beats the heck out of last weekend, right?

Known as Decoration Day in the years following the Civil War, it became a federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day is an American Holiday observed on the last Monday in May. Americans honor the men and women who died while serving in the United States military.

Memorial Day also marks the beginning of summer – watermelon, hot dogs, potato salad, homemade ice cream. We celebrated with my old-fashioned blackberry cobbler. I didn’t mess it up too badly this time. This time, I read the directions carefully and added enough flour for the batter. Thank goodness there’s enough for dessert again tonight.

Cobbler aside, I do take this holiday seriously.

On this day and always, I honor my father, Lt. Colonel G.I. Poole, Commander Shemya, Alaska, Dec. 1958, United States Air Force.

[GO: May-28-2024]

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One Response to “Pool Time”

  1. Great to hear you guys are getting to play with the Grandkids … y’all have fun! 😎

    ~~ j ~~

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