Please join a Meet & Greet, Informative Session on Friday, September 20th, 5pm, at Coconuts. The Bolivar Chamber of Commerce is hosting a presentation by Audrey Glisson of Wright Flood on recent changes to flood insurance programs, flood zones and the effect on local communities. There are significant impacts expected and Audrey has been taking a lead with regards to illustrating these changes by speaking at a number of different events. Nearly every resident of Bolivar will be impacted in some form and we hope all can attend! Light snacks provided by BPCOC.
If you cannot attend have your neighbor ask your questions for you and pick up the forms for you that will be available. Here is a helpful website to get some answers– Hope this is helpful.
We wouldn’t miss it. Thanks, Carlis Cole
This is really something that we would love to have too and we can’t be there Friday night. Isn’t there anyway to make a dvd recording of it? Audrey might not want you to sell it, but we could make donations to the Chamber for a copy.
Nowhere else will we get the pertinent questions answered that folks on Bolivar will ask.
Please think about it!
I would like a copy of the presentation as well. Please email provided above.
Is there any chance that I could get a written copy of Audrey Glisson’s talk sent to my email address. We just can’t make it there on time on Friday night. Thanks,