Irreplaceable Rollfings

By Linda Elissalde
We are fortunate to have folk who occupy irreplaceable places in our hearts. Parents, relatives, and friends often fall into this category. The word has double meaning when a couple exhibit the exacting standards of being irreplaceable. Crystal Beach’s Elaine and Dennis Rollfing are just that couple. Now the Rollfings are moving to Dripping Springs, Texas to start a new chapter in their lives.

Irreplaceable: unique, incomparable, unparalleled, priceless, invaluable, precious, of inestimable worth, treasured, prized, cherished.

Bolivar Peninsula will certainly feel the absence of this vital twosome. They participated in so many activities and were known for their generosity. Elaine’s cakes were famous for delicious taste and exquisite decorations. A person felt really special to receive one. Her alto voice helped strengthen the Bay Vue Methodist Choir where Elaine shared her deep and abiding faith with its congregation. She was always ready to be part of any activity or production.

Dennis is widely admired for his generosity and served on many Bolivar committees. Ready to help anyone in need, he is a past Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year. He is also renowned for his barbecue. Crystal Canal’s End of Summer Party could not exist without he and his buddies delicious offerings. His bravery and fearless spirit inspires all who know him.

The Rollfings have been married for over 40 years. Elaine still calls him her sweetheart. They are both sweethearts. What an honor it has been to have them as a part of our community. We are sorrowed to see them leave, but their actions will be remembered as an example for us to follow.

We wish all the very best to the unique, incomparable, unparalleled, priceless, invaluable, precious, of inestimable worth, treasured, prized, cherished and IRREPLACEABLE ROLLFINGS!


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