Hey! Wake Up!

By Georgia Osten
Sometimes, reality strikes. Sometimes, you get shaken out of this self-induced-fog you’re trapped in. It takes something earth-shattering to snap you back into reality to make you understand what’s really important. Family is important! Not some 8-5 places you go to everyday, not whether you have enough groceries, or your floors are clean, sheets washed & folded, grass mowed.

Today, I feel helpless, like there’s nothing I can do. Yes, I can pray, I know my prayers help, they have before. I’ve seen the power of prayer. What else can I do? I know the Good Lord works in mysterious ways, but what is he thinking? It must be a wakeup call?

Sorry if my “Sand Bucket” or “Crab Trap” isn’t upbeat this week. Right now, I don’t have any thoughts about my garden or where I can go on vacation or when I can go to Dillard’s again or HEB …

When I was little, I remember the prayer I used to say every night. It was “Now I lay me down to sleep” and so on. Then at the end, I would say “and God bless,” this is where I would list my parents, grandparents, all the pets I’d ever had, all my friends and all their pets. That part would last longer than the initial prayer. I probably fell asleep listing everyone and everything.

All I can think about now, all that’s on my mind is “Dear Lord, please take care of my family, please watch over them and guide them.”

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2 Responses to “Hey! Wake Up!”

  1. Karen Rush says:

    Mmm…ominous. Please let us know if we can help in anyway. ❤️

  2. Lil Bear says:

    Love you

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