The Driftwood Homeowners Association is reaching out to the community. On October 31, HOA President Bob Cook presented a check in the amount of $1,200 to Eve Bradford, President of Bolivar Peninsula Community Outreach. “This is a wonderful surprise,” said Bradford, “we have insurance coming due and this check will really help.”
The money was raised by the association at their First Annual Chili Cookoff held on Saturday, October 27, at the home of Brian and Jackie Sticker. Thirteen teams competed in the winner-take-all event, with all proceeds going to charity.
The Driftwood Homeowners Association holds two charity events each year, a gumbo cookoff in the spring and the chili cookoff in the fall. The purpose is to promote community spirit and involvement among the members of the association.
Bolivar Peninsula Community Outreach serves the community in several ways. They provide a weekly food truck to distribute food goods to people in the community, a food bank for the needy, Christmas meal programs, school supplies for kids, and others. If you would like to make a donation to BPCO, please contact Eve Bradford at 469-556-4586.