BVM Beach Ministry

By Elinor Tinsley
On the 20th of July, a beautiful Bolivar Peninsula morning, three golf carts set out to spread the love of Jesus, one VBS bag at a time. Bay Vue Methodist Church has had no regular children since COVID, but that doesn’t stop the church and the Bay Vue Methodist Women from organizing something for the kids on our peninsula, whether they live here or are just visiting.

On Saturday our three crews, consisting of Sandi Covington, Jo Evans and Brelyne Bohannon in cart number one, Kathy and Ronnie Clarkston, Carole Chambers and Betty Williamson in cart two and Linda Elissalde, Elinor Tinsley and JP Luke in cart number three set out to distribute our bags on the beach. Each bag had VBS arts & crafts supplies, a stuffed animal, a bracelet and snacks for the kids. As we approached a group of folks and spotted younger children among them, we pulled up and introduced ourselves and told them what we were doing and asked if it would be OK to give the kids a bag. We also asked permission to take some pictures that would possibly be in the local news and were polite when some refused. Many conversations were had and the kids seemed thrilled to get the bags.

Sometimes you feel like you should be doing more to spread the “Good News”, but sometimes all it takes is a group of people just showing that they care, that plants the seeds of love in the kids and their parents. Between the 48 VBS bags we sent to Second Goings and the 96 bags we handed out on the beach, that’s 144 chances to spread the love of Jesus. Thank you to all that participated on getting the bags ready to go and to all that delivered them on Saturday.

[ET: Jul-23-2024]

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