Bolivar the Ferry Dog

A Heartwarming Rescue Story
On a seemingly ordinary day on Bolivar Peninsula, Texas, a heartwarming rescue unfolded that captured the hearts of many. A stray dog, later named Bolivar, was spotted swimming away from the ferry landing, a place he frequented but was not allowed to stay. The dog was one of many unfortunate animals abandoned on the peninsula, facing the grim prospects of starvation, predation, or being struck by vehicles.

Bolivar’s fate took a turn for the better when a couple, out fishing in the bay, noticed what they initially thought was a dolphin swimming alongside their boat. To their surprise, it was a dog struggling in the water. Without hesitation, they pulled the exhausted canine aboard and took him home. Through the power of social media, they soon discovered that they had rescued Bolivar the Ferry Dog, a local stray known to many in the community.

Bolivar’s story is a poignant reminder of the plight of many animals abandoned on Bolivar Peninsula. These animals often face dire conditions, unable to return home across the ship channel. Bolivar, however, was one of the lucky ones. The couple who rescued him, Laura and Tim Soetaert, immediately took him to the vet. Despite being underweight and without a microchip, Bolivar was found to be in relatively good health.

After a thorough bath and some much-needed care, Bolivar was introduced to his new family, including another dog named Miss Loretta. The two dogs quickly became friends, and Bolivar settled into his new home. To keep the community updated on his progress, a Facebook page, Bolivar the Wunderdog, was created.

Bolivar the Wunderdog Facebook Page

Bolivar’s rescue highlights the importance of compassion and community in addressing the issue of abandoned animals. His story, shared widely on social media, serves as an inspiration and a call to action for others to help animals in need. Bolivar the Ferry Dog now enjoys a life filled with love and care, thanks to the kindness of strangers who became his family.

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One Response to “Bolivar the Ferry Dog”

  1. LCE says:

    Thank you for this wonderful piece about this wonderful canine Bolivar. Thanks also to the wonderful Soetaerts for rescuing him. He looks like a mighty happy fellow. I hope that more lost or abandoned animals are as lucky.
    Will there be a book and movie? What an uplifting story that should be shared with many others.
    Again, our gratitude to the rescue couple for giving Bolivar a new life.

    Linda CE

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