Be Happy Now

By Georgia Osten
What a wonderful weekend, no plans, nowhere to go. I had an eye appointment on Friday, so afterwards, I did some necessary shopping. Just veggies for Maezy, and some veggies for us. I returned to work and put in a full day. I left work at 5pm and when I returned home it still felt like mid-afternoon. Not too bad!

Saturday, nowhere to go, I actually got some necessary catch-up stuff done around the house. It felt good, non-stop. Laundry, ironing pillowcases, cleaned bathrooms, some disgusting stuff like mopping up around the base of toilets. What are those stupid little caps at the bottom of the toilets for? They’re supposed to cover those screws that supposedly hold down the toilets to the floor. Are they supposed to be glued down to the base of the toilet? Whatever! I don’t know, ours are just loose. I think my husband told me he’d “glue” them down for me.

Oh dear, does this tell you I may have too much time on my hands?

Our Sunday, early as it may be, was delightful! Everything except for waking up at 5:30am. Surprisingly, I’m quite ready to get up, jump in the shower and be ready to leave before 6:30 to make it to the 7:00 ferry.

No problem, my husband has my missal marked and ready to go. Sacred Heart on Broadway and one of our favorite priests (probably our favorite) Father Jacob, the youngest so far! And, of course, our very own Deacon Kim. Deacon Kim has come a long way from his stroke several years ago, he doesn’t even apologize for any stuttering or mis-pronouncing words anymore. It’s all good, he’s a saint!

We were in a quandary – “where to go to breakfast?” We thought about Millers – too crowded – people waiting outside. Then, on up Seawall to Gumbo Diner, parked the car and walked up, too many people in line. Okay, our old favorite ShyKatz, that’s the ticket! Don’t tell anyone, but I was a bit disappointed. ShyKatz had my “over easy” a bit too easy. I choked it down, thank goodness for the multi-grain toast and a lot of honey!

Our last stop before going home, Magnolia Farms at the farmer’s market still had plenty of tomatoes, some okra and green beans!

Karen, from “Pecans by Karen” was at the market, don’t miss Karen at the Crab Festival in May. Oh, before that, she’ll be at the Cultural Foundation Festival in September at the Crab Fest Pavillion.

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a cool down before long. Fall is on it’s way, my favorite time of the year!

[GO: Aug-20-2024]

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