Chatty Kelly

By Georgia Osten
What a delightful non-stop chatterbox. I can write this about her because she doesn’t know a thing about Crystal Beach Local News, nor will she ever remember who I was. That’s okay. If her name hadn’t been Kelly, I probably wouldn’t remember her either. We had our semi-monthly date night last week. Yep, The Tremont, dinner at Hearsay and dessert at Fisherman’s Wharf. Ironically enough, the bartender(s) at each place recognized us, Where everyone knows your name. I guess that’s not something to be all that proud of, but it’s nice to be recognized. One good thing, they haven’t memorized what we like to drink. Oops, I’ll have to take that back. The bartender at Fisherman’s Wharf did remember to serve our coffee piping hot. Yes, I said “coffee.” When we’re being especially good, we’ll share a dessert, this time it was key lime pie.

When we walked back to the hotel, there at the bar were our two favorite seats, so why not, let’s have a couple of espresso martinis. We sidled on up to the bar and I sat next to a young lady who was with her husband, and they were already engaged in conversations with the couple next to them and Rachel, the bartender. They were talking about a former bartender, Brian. Seems the lady to my right had many subtle pics of Brian. Why? Something about his physique when he shakes a mixer. Oh yes, I remembered.

Throughout the conversations, we managed to introduce ourselves. They’re relocated from Fort Worth, moved into a bayside place in Galveston right before Beryl hit. They’ve been to Crystal Beach, Stingarees of course! And they promised we’d see them at the Crab Festival. I think we could have talked all night, but it was already 11:30 – way past our bedtime.

What a fun trip, can’t wait til the next time!

[GO: Aug-13-2024]

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