By Captain Bryan Brawner
As of the time that I am writing this report, winds are forecasted to be 10-15 knots with gusts to 25 for the next several days. 15 knots = 17.26 mph. This means choppy conditions for most mid bay reefs. On the bright side, a constant wind direction will eventually clear some protected bay areas. Now, there are fish out on most East Bay reefs if you can get to them and if the reefs are clear enough to be worth fishing. Drifting reefs is the best way to approach fishing reefs in a strong wind. Drifting mid bay reefs can best be accomplished with the use of a good drift sock that is large enough to slow your drift to control the presentation of your jig. I like dark colors now like plum also something like motor oil with chartreuse tail.
I noticed that the Frigate Birds have started showing up on reefs now. They are opportunistic feeders and either steal their food from other birds or scoop up a floating small fish. They won’t hang out where there is not an easy meal so it is a good sign to have them hanging out on poles on an oyster reef.
You will never see them in the water. They do not have oily protection on their feathers so they must feed while airborne. Pictured are some of the first arrivals on Hannas Reef while out conducting classes.
I have some weekdays still open in June and also some opportunities for classes. Classes are the Best time you will ever invest in to improve your fishing success for the long haul! I have added some special features this year!
This time of year we can run trips where the whole family can be successful with a large variety of fish. Email for questions and availability. Now is the time to book an East Bay Class with the prime fishing just around the corner.
For exact fishing locations and techniques, I am conducting one-on-one classes of the Galveston East Bay System. We will spend a half-day trip exploring that bay and the techniques and timing of fishing there. Bring your hand-held GPS and a map and note pad and I will further your knowledge of the bay and patterns for fishing in all of the seasons of the year. These classes include everything from locations to tackle and lure selection; thus have a lot of content. So, I limit them to 2 persons max at a time. Call 409-256-1265 for more information. We cover a lot of area and burn a lot of gas.
Text or call 409-256-1265 for availability of trips and to reserve your fishing adventure.You can also e-mail me [email protected] for updated fishing conditions and trip availability.
Check my website for prices and more information.
Captain Bryan Brawner