100 Years Young!

“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.” William Shakespeare
By Linda Elissalde
Edith Marie Smith became 100 years young October 12, 2024. Family and friends from near and far arrived at beautifully decorated Meadow Lake Ranch to celebrate this most auspicious occasion. Edith sparkled as admirers gathered around her to hug, be hugged and wish Mrs. Smith a most Happy 100th Birthday.

The Smith family, originally from Oklahoma, always loved Crystal Beach. Their family shared a spot on these shores for many years. Edith and daughter Trish finally decided to make Bolivar Peninsula their permanent home. The two quickly became a part of our coastal community. These ladies welcomed family and friends to their beach house enhanced by artistic granddaughter Fallon Guinn’s beautiful mermaid on the back. They joined Bay Vue Methodist Church. Both participated in numerous ministries. Edith helped in many ways and always served as the lovely “Condiment Lady” for Bay Vue’s popular Father’s Day Weekend Fish Fry. It was a sad day when these ladies decided that it was time to move back to Tulsa, Oklahoma. However, they never forgot their beach buddies. Edith even insisted on returning for her 99th birthday in 2023. Bill and Brenda Beust Smith hosted a most delightful birthday event.

In no time at all, a whole year passed. Nothing would do, but have a stupendous party celebrating this illustrious milestone. Trish began planning this elegant event as soon as Edith’s 99th party ended. Oh, what a joyous soiree attended by 125 people who crowded around Edith to hug, kiss, talk, share memories and laugh. Mrs. Smith never tired of visiting and hugging. Trish had arranged a program to welcome all attendees. I was honored to serve as Mistress of Ceremonies. Crystal Beach’s contingency Sandi Covington, Rita Moseley, Marcel and I begin this part with a rousing birthday cheer. Venue staff members were introduced. Seated at the head table were the Elissalds, Portland Texas dear friends Nilda Reyes and Maddie Gilmore, Edith’s best friend/great granddaughter Addison Smith, Centenarian Society representative Terri Callaway and husband Andy Callaway.

Terri honored Edith by inducting her into the Centenarian Society. Mrs. Smith is a freshman in this special membership of people who are 100 or older. Edith’s niece Jacci Gantz gave a warm blessing before everyone lined up to be served by Chauncey of Ike’s Chili. The place is a Tulsa tradition since 1908. Oklahoma’s famous son Will Rogers stopped by regularly. (I note that being from Texas I was a bit skeptical about chili not made in Texas, but must admit it was superb. Should I ever be back that way, I will visit Ike’s Chili.) Even after filling up on chili and myriad fixings, there were two gorgeously delicious birthday cakes to consume. And everyone certainly did.

Happy 100th Birthday cakes, thanks to Sandi Covington

One of my greatest pleasures was to recognize members of Edith’s loving and beloved family. We began with Trish and her sweetheart Doug Raynolds. Then recognized granddaughter Carrie Guinn, grandsons Bob Smith, Chris Smith and wife Michelle. Next came great grandchildren, Fallon Guinn along with Justin, Addison, Colton and Maverick Smith. Lots of smiles in this group.

Then, what to our wondering eyes should appear? Andy Ash, aka Elvis, was in the house. Elvis entertained all with his wonderful renditions. He bowed before Edith and wrapped his scarf around her neck. She accepted it with her wonderful smile. He proceeded to entertain us while choosing several women to receive Hawaiian flowered leis. Andy ended the show with well earned applause and then, yes, Elvis left the building.

Like all great events, Edith’s party had to end. There was still time for a few more photo ops and special pictures in Route 66 Photo Booth provided by dear friends Tom and Julia Ladner. Edith was invited to speak. She stood, took the microphone, smiled her delightful smile, and declared, “I love you.” Family and friends returned a rousing “And we love you!” What a grand finale.

Edith’s devotion to family and friends, ever present grin, sense of humor, kindness, intelligence, faith and enjoyment of life definitely proves that EDITH MARIE SMITH is 100 YEARS YOUNG!

Shakespeare must have been describing Edith when he declared, “Thou art wise as thou art beautiful.”

Folk coming to the celebration were welcomed the night before with a little party at Edith and Trish’s apartment complex

[LCE: Oct-22-2024]

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